Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Time of the Month…

I always thank God for giving me birth as a man. And please don’t mistake me for a male chauvinist, as I have always believed women to be a greatest living being on this planet, but for the obvious fact that I cannot even envisage what it takes to be a woman, to endure giving birth to a child, to sustain love and harmony on this otherwise ruthless planet driven by ego and dominance.

However, nature in its strange ways of balancing things didn’t spare me from suffering, and hence every now and then I too get my periods. Though slightly different from the feminine, this is the time of the month when the hormonal imbalance expels these boiling thoughts and ideas out of my head, putting me to utter unrest. 

I live a normal life, and every day I lived has taken me a step ahead. But some part in me has always pushed me to perceive distant horizons beyond my worldly impaired vision. And these ideas often outreach the chores of claiming my daily bread and leave me at the crossroads to choose between the easy present or the arduous future
But the far looks blur, irresolute head concur, 
And apprehensive of failing craven I defer… 
Yet unable stopping this feeling to recur.
So during all these years, I learned I forgot,
Few days I earned, some days did not…
Sometimes had none at times had a lot, 
People I loved, someone I lost, 
And though many at times I sought, 
Could never push down these bubbling thoughts.
And these passing thoughts or ideas have now become the ironical periods in my life, making me feel proud for I posses the divinity of creation, yet leaving me with pain of not being satisfied with the simple life I have got. So when they come, suffering from mood swings, I too end up bloating these e-sheets giving myself another day, and the world another point of view…